Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meeting No. 233, 7th September

Meeting Place: Airlines Hotel
Present: Nam, Sunil, Sumit, Shashi
Missing: Ramesh, Shobha and Sucharita

Nam shared first about her trip to Pune and then Mumbai and how her being intentional is leading opening of new avenues in her business. She shared about great response their training program had received and Symbiosis and also as to how the quality of intake in that instiution was deteriorating. She spent quality time with her mother and family at Pune.

Sumit shared about his business and how he and his partner were beginning to come to grips with how to handle employees. Sunil and Nam said that Integrity was what was missing in his being in the way that he was approaching his life. He has taken on practicing integrity as a core value for his life.

Shashi shared about his starting a new venture in the Solar energy area and also looking to apply for the Amnesty international position.

Sunil spoke about his dilemma and insecurity about his future given that he had put in his papers with the present company. Nam and Shashi said that he needed to follow his heart while at the same time ensuring that he doe not miss out on what his passion is.

Sunil proposed that each one of us write our Mission and Vision and purpose in life for it to be a guiding North Star of our lives. Name said that she will take a session on the same as to how to go about it when there is a full house.


Meeting No. 232, 31st August 2008

Meeting was held at Shobha Rai's place since she was unable to move having sprained her foot in the previous week. Surprise package of the week was Shashi coming in. Sumit said that he will come but did not appear at all. Nam came for sometime ( again a surprise becuase she had messsaged that she was going to miss the meeting due to cookout competition at Rotary Mid town that she was organizing ).

Shashi and Sucharita in the precedding week had met up with Mahesh Nambiar who spoke about Landmark Education completely reinventing itself and this inspired Shashi to take on reinvention of The Sunday Group. Shashi we need your ongoing participation and leadership.

Shobha as usual laid out a great spread. She loves to feed and has a great heart so despite her sprained foot, took great care of all of us.

We took on that each one of us will be writing a diary of our activities and major incidents during the day and how we felt at those moments. This would allow for greater and more involved sharing. This point came since Nam said that her week was ordinary.

Ramesh shared about his business and sense of insecurity that he was dealing with and how he worked over the same. Ramesh what possibility did you invent?

( Description of this meeting is incomplete and I would like another group member to share )

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Totally TMI

Wow, this is just great :)

I am touched, moved and inspired!

Thanks a pile Sunil for creating this blogsite...and watch this space ..

only love


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Meeting No. 230 17th August 2008

Present in the meeting: Shobha, Sucharita, Sunil, Sumit, Nam, Ramesh
Absent: Sashi

17th August 2008 meeting ( Meeting # 230 ) started at 7:32. First to arrive Sunil Arora, thereafter Shobha ( 7:40 ) who made it despite having to look after the grandchild and Nam ( almost simultaneously ) and Sucharita at about 7:50. Sumit had called me at 7:30 to say that he will be 15 minutes late ( what's new Sumit ! ). Brother sauntered in around 8:15.

Highlights of the meeting:

Nam shared about her major issue being finding a life partner and she and Sucharita have taken on starting the singles' Club wherein the SMR is that by 18th August there will be ten members in the club. Ramesh volunteered to host the meeting on that date.

Ramesh shared by his breaktrhough in getting straight about his life and business, given the downturn in the industry.

Sumit shared about moving in into his new house/flat tomorrow and taking on getting straight about what big things he wants to work on. Sunil suggested that he could look at creating a new context within the work he us currently doing i.e. Tech. Education.

Sunil shared about his starting a new phase in life. Not being an employee anymore but being open to working on many things including his passion in life-empowering people to create financial independence and wealth- ( looking for a catchy name anyone? )

Suhcharita spoke about creating possibility in her career and that she is taking on working on the same.

Shobha spoke about having created a breaktrhough in the way she is looking at her work. She is finding new energy and is taking on new assignments in Event Management. Having found a cook is something magical in her life.

Nam really inspired us all by sharing how she has taken on doing one extra-ordinary thing everyday. I think if all of us took this on, our lives would truly be richer for that. ( this I think was really the best contribution of the day )

Sashi seems to be upset about something, not coming for the meeting. Sashi-if you read this then know that like Don Henley of Eagles said in Hotel California-You can check out any time you like but you can never leave. You are always welcome and we want you to attend the meetings but only if you find that the meeting empowers you and supports you in living your life powerfully.

Next Meeting will be at MTR. Nam will organize the back room. After Shobha is back from her trip, the meeting on 31st August ( tentative ) will be at Nandi Hills Farm. ( Trek, Breakfast and meeting ).
I love the name the Sunday Group. Truly this group has enhanced my life in maore than many ways. I too so look forward to my meetings every sunday.
Well Airlines will truly be missed.
Abundance and Joy,

Friday, August 15, 2008

First Entry

First entry to the blog is being made on 16th August 2008 morning. Here I am, Sunil, sitting on my bed, typing away to glory.

Sunday morning meetings have made my life richer. I discovered Airlines hotel, which I am told, is a landmark (! ) in Bangalore. Like all other hang out spaces in cities, this one too will disappear soon. Will I be sorry to see it go, probably yes.

Place though needs major facelift and I am sure the owners are not taking any action since they may be getting too little a rent. Anyways.....

Through this blog, we will keep a track of possibilities that we declare each week and also celebrate the successes that we get in our lives and the lives of others around us.

All the members of the groups are authors to this blog so I am inviting all of you to use this to express yourself. Write about yourself, your life, life of those who matter to you, issues that matter to you or even if you want to just think aloud. Whatever..... this is YOUR space. So just go for it.

Very soon the blog will be available on your mobile phone and you will be able to write your entry into the blog from your mobile phones itself. So those of you who are not internet savvy, help is on the way.

